Iron Age Exploration Sketches

Explainer Illustrations Scientific Visualization

Call of Cthulhu: The Order of the Stone

GCN - Blood of Wild – Character Portraits

Nature of my Game – Character Illustations

GCN – "Get in the Trunk" Character Portraits

GCN - "Time for Chaos" Character Portraits

D&D Ravenloft – Darklord Ireena Kolyana

GCN - Juliette Bellerose "The Widow"

D&D Nights of Eveningstar – Agnis Crownsilver

D&D Ravenloft – Rudolph van Richten Redesign

Technorama Sommer Event: Urban Golf

Technorama Exhibit Illustrations

Dune - Korin of House Houdin

Dimension 20: Coffin Run – Character Illustrations

Gwenni, Svirfneblin Mage

D&D Rime of Frostmaiden – Avarice

Portrait Practice

AVA - Tarot Card Game