Designer specialized in Science Communication
B.A. Scientific Visualization | M.A. Knowledge Visualization

Hi, I'm Stjepan, a scientific illustrator and visual communicator based in Switzerland.
Having started out in economics, I later pursued art, and found my calling in science visualization and communication. Every picture is a story, and I aim to find exciting ways to develop, shape and design these narratives. I explore cross-sections between design disciplines, and strive to create visualizations and products, that convey complex ideas. My goal is to produce visuals, that are engaging, accessible and innovative.

These visuals are meant to provide researchers, companies, and institutions with tools to present their findings, concepts and ideas in adequate and impactful ways.

Selected Clients
Archäologischer Dienst Graubünden
Beobachter – Ringier AG
Museo Moesano
Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press

Swiss Science Center Technorama
Unic AG
University of Zürich
Y&R – Young and Rubicam

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